phpdoc onlineanarcat - 2005-01-12 07:20 - The TimeTracker
I have made the PhpDocumentation available online at
It is not updated automatically, as the phpdoc isn't installed on the SF shell servers, but I'll try to keep it as up-to-date as possible.
phptimetracker 0.3 released
anarcat - 2005-01-07 17:36 - The TimeTracker
I have finally release the 0.3 release of the phptimetracker series. This release features major speedup in the way project trees are stored and displayed, a detailed bill ("facture détaillée", frequently requested) and a few bugfixes.
0.3 progress update
anarcat - 2005-01-06 13:58 - The TimeTracker
I'm still working on the timetracker in my spare time. 0.3 will feature an optimisation in the way project trees are managed following the Pattern demonstrated in . This requires extensive modification to the code internals, and is quite tricky to implement, so I take extra time to make sure everything still makes sense.